Sinegon Technologies provides innovative problem-solving solutions in many sectors with high added value, exceptional quality and remarkable user experience. Our founders, management and team of experts have decades of practical experience and scientific knowledge at many fields. At Sinegon we combine all these to one single new business entity.


Budapart Business Center, Budapest, Hungary

Sinegon AT Core

Sinegon AT Core is a transparent and revolutionary anti-tamper solution, which is completely application independent. Signing and verifying data with AT core results in a hardened protection and detection against fraud by other users or providers (trust and verify model).

Benefit from de-centralization without refactoring

The decentralised applications are one of the most emerging sectors today but most of them have a centralised authority (Healthcare, Government offices, escrow etc.). With the use of Sinegon AT Core these applications can be made more secure without adding the complexity and cost of refactoring to a de-centralized model.

Own your data but provide advanced security

The handling and storage of private data e.g., finance, government and healthcare on de-centralized platforms are concerning from privacy point of view. Sinegon AT Core can solve these problems and add the advanced security and trust of de-centralization while data can be kept by the authorities or users.

Example use patterns:

Applications that need to store changeless data, e.g., readings from IoT devices, compliance data, etc. create and use blockchain tables to store this data directly.

When an existing application needs a hardened and tamper-resistant audit trail of changes made to the regular data storage or database.


Cases when applications need to store large data volumes, e.g., Electronic Health Records (EHR), images, legal agreements or contracts, etc. the Megabyte or Gigabyte sized files can easily create a high network load across nodes and overload the distributed network. Sinegon AT Core can secure and “Anchor” these records on the distributed ledger, but keep the actual data off-chain.

Chain options

Use it with our own PoS based public chain
Use it with our own PoS based public chain

For best decentralization our AT Core solution is integrated with our very own PoS (Proof of Stake) based public blockchain.

Us it on your private blockchain

In some cases, for maximum privacy and regulations a public chain is not suitable. Sinegon AT Core is capable to work with private chains and our team of experts is happy to deploy your own private blockchain.